Empowering East Timorese youth through skateboarding

Ami nia Objetivu
Skateboard mak hanesan instrumentu furak ida ba koneksaun, empoderamentu no kresimentu. Timor Skate foka atu empodera komunidade iha Dili, Timor-Leste, liu husi halo parke skate.
Tanba natureza parke skate nian ne’ebé nakloke, enkoraja partisipasaun ativu no pasivu husi demográfiku hotu-hotu. Ami nia objetivu mak atu harii fatin iha espasu liur ne’ebé seguru hodi halimar, esplora, mak hanesan kria parke skate 530m2. Espasu ativu ida ne’e sei kompleta ho area seguru balun ne’ebé sei enkoraja uzu husi komunidade tomak. Ami nia objetivu atu harii fatin ne’e iha Outubru 2022.
Ami estabelese tiha ona karidade legal ida ho naran “Timor Skate” atu hahú konsultasaun, halo dezeñu, no fundus liu husi ativasaun ne’ebé la’o hela ba fasilidade ida ne’e. Ami sei asegura katak maluk lokál sira sei envolve iha faze hotu ho kapasidade kolaborativu. Dezeñu ba fatin ne’e liu husi konsultasaun ho uzitilizadór lokál sira no staff Ba Futuru, hodi asegura katak fatin ne’e instegra iha komunidade nia espasu. Envolvimentu inisiál ida ne’e estabelese ona fatin ida ba maluk lokál sira atu envolve durante iha prosesu tomak, no asegura mos atu hotu-hotu bele hetan atualizasaun ba progresu projetu nian, hanoin ka input ba dezeñu ne’ebé aprezenta, no mós disponivel atu ajuda durante konstrusaun!
Parke ne’e
With community approval we managed to integrate the story of Timor-Leste’s creation legend: a small boy finds a dying crocodile far from the ocean and saves it, years later the boy is older and wants to see the world, the crocodile volunteers to carry him across the oceans to explore the world together. Over time, the crocodile got tired and found its resting place offering a home for the boy’s family. That resting place is the island of Timor, with its spine resembling the mountains which define the central plateau. Our extremely skilled skatepark designer, Timor Skate board member, and all round wonderful human Wade Trevean managed to get that crocodile into the skatepark as a skateable element, to be able to share the story. It’s nice to have that local connection within the park, offering its own Timorese identity for whoever sees it.

Due to a global pandemic, it took longer to deliver the park than initially planned but the intervening years have seen multiple shipments of donated skate gear – a necessity in a country that doesn’t have a skateshop or, often, the financial means to buy equipment. For the whole of October 2023 we were finally able to get a team of dedicated builders (Wade, Gilbo, Benno, Louie, Karloz and Nick) to Dili, Timor-Leste, for the build. The team, with local help, delivered the park. Working long hours, starting early to avoid the heat we managed to finish it off with little time to spare – spurred on with high fives and shared banter from the local kids.
As soon as the last concrete was poured the park was a hub of activity whether it was the collection of girls greatly increasing their confidence and skills to the more experienced skaters being able to progress due to the range of elements and offering their time mentoring the younger users. Collectively already exceeding the number and diversity of the initial skaters in the community.
The clear benefits the park offers the local community are already evident. The park is used daily by a diverse range of skaters, assisted by Ba Futuru and Jihno, a local skater who through grants from the Good Push organisation holds a funded role at the skatepark. The park is a hub of activity and a place of learning and growth for the local community.

Timor Skate is a charity project and we fundraised over several years with various events with incredible financial support from The Skateroom, Wonders around the World, the Australian embassy in Timor-Leste, RMS Construction, Decks for Change, Goodpush and numerous passionate/generous people from around the world.

Get in touch
We're still in the early stages of fundraising to make the park a reality. If you think you can help, or would like more information, please contact us!
Our Team
Nick Oats - President
Nick feels both lucky and humbled to have visited Dili every six months or so for the past few years. It’s hard to visit a country that has faced such recent, all-encompassing violence and trauma, that has a long list of needs and yet so many friendly, welcoming people, and not want to give something back of a personal nature.
Knowing firsthand the positive force that skateboarding can be, when Nick met up with local skaters building their own community with worn-out second-hand boards and a slowly decaying park built with more passion than experience, it was obvious what that personal contribution should be.
Despite nearly twenty-five years on a skateboard, Nick quickly realized he could offer precious little in imparting his hard earned yet underwhelming stuntwood “skills.” Looking instead to his fifteen or so years as a bureaucrat, he rallied a group of friends with the aim of rebuilding the Dili skatepark. What he lacks in skateboard wizardry he makes up for in the ability to circulate papers, chair meetings, and lodge documents in due accordance with statutory timelines. He also holds a masters degree in international and community development, providing an important lens for Timor Skate’s efforts.
Wade Trevean - Vice President
Over the past 13 years Wade has worked with several Australian based skate park design/construction companies with roles leading from Senior Designer to Principal, delivering over 120 skate parks both in Australia and overseas. Academically he has an Advanced Diploma of Civil Engineering at the Victoria University of Technology in Melbourne and a Master’s in Construction Management at the Swinburne University of Technology.
Wade's first charity project was for a small skate space in Kathmandu, Nepal and has since volunteered on projects in Morocco, Palestine and Iraq with skatepark designs, construction and the collaboratively onsite management. Wade advocates for accessible and sustainable youth spaces that encourage community wide inclusion from initial design consultations, build assistance to the activation of their space, ensuring spaces that caters for both passive and active use for all user types and associated skill levels. In addition, he ensures that completed projects are constructed as per international standards to deliver well-built long lasting and safe facilities.